Class Blog

Mentor Blog

“Stories” by Elias Ruiz Monserrat is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Freedom! Today is the day that I am going to get to start writing my blog about whatever topic I choose. I have enjoyed reading articles that my teacher has assigned and writing about the things I learned from them. However, I am excited to see where these writing freedoms take me. I have decided to start writing a fictional story for my blog. Now because this is an assignment for a college class it requires doing some research. Seeking out other bloggers who do something like what I want to do. Finding other fictional bloggers, who just use their blog to write a story, chapter-by-chapter, is difficult. I searched any key words I could to find fictional chapter blogs and there just weren’t many. There are poetic blogs, and blogs that do reviews on other peoples published work, but no chapter blogs.

My teacher shared one with me from a previous class that was like what I want to do with my blog called Cranial Notations – The writings of a fantasy reader. ( This blog was created by Tim Wolfrgam. He did publish some different articles on his blog, but I looked at his story. He wrote Four chapters, each post being a new chapter in the story. That is exactly what I want to do. Tim’s blog is helpful when it comes to setting up my blog and figuring out how I want my work presented; however, I found another blog called Dahlia Ramone ‹ Reader — She mostly writes poetry and does writing prompts, but she does have a few short stories mixed in there. She has a lot more integration of different posts. The final Blog I found was called Inkitt – The Reader-Powered Publisher. This one is more like a community writing platform, for many writers to come together and publish their work. You can even get feedback on assignments for classes. Which can be helpful especially in a blogging sense. I enjoyed finding and exploring this blog/publisher.

I am looking forward to starting this journey and exploring these blogs more. They were helpful in getting me started, and I hope they can be even more helpful along my blogging journey.   

Work Cited

Published by Tim Wolfrgam View all posts by Tim Wolfrgam, Tim, et al. “Chapter 1.” Cranial Notations, 19 Nov. 2018,

Ramone, Dahlia. “Contact.” Dahlia Ramone, 6 May 2019,

“The Reader-Powered Publisher.” Inkitt,

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